5th European Harm Reduction Conference | Video Summary
Synthetic Opioids in Europe
APDES & EuroNPUD | Peer Work & Research. Securing an Ethical Partnership
IDPC | Drug policy: decriminalisation – the next logical step for Europe?
Monitoring the Drug market & Influencing Policies
Social Inclusion & Harm Reduction: Towards an Integral Approach
Civil Society Monitoring & Quality Standards for Policymaking & Advocacy
IDPC | Decriminalisation, the next logical step for Europe? [Russian Language]
Drug Consumption Rooms. Advocacy & the Reality Check [Russian Language]
Sananim | The Czech HR Narrative [Russian Language]
UNODC – HIV Prevention, Treatment and Care Among & With People Who Use Stimulant Drugs
Drug Consumption Rooms. Advocacy & the Reality Check
Sananim | The Czech HR Narrative: from Decriminalisation to Comprehensive Services
EU Chemsex Forum | Chemsex Challenges: Slamming, Community Stigma & Human Rights Abuses
On Track? Hepatitis Elimination & the Role of Harm Reduction
Supporting Person-Centred Choice in Determining Treatment Options
UNODC – HIV Prevention, Treatment and Care & Stimulant Drugs
[Russian Language]
UNODC – Mainstreaming Human Rights & Evidence-based Law Enforcement [Russian Language]
Plenary Closing Session | Fast Track Cities on Harm Reduction [Russian Language]
5th EHRC | WHO Integrated Person-Centred Care Models [Russian Audio]
Opening Session | The Development of Drug policy and Harm Reduction
UNODC – Mainstreaming Human Rights & Evidence-based Law Enforcement
Plenary Closing Session | Fast Track Cities on Harm Reduction
APDES & C-EHRN | Social Inclusion & Harm Reduction: Towards an Integral Approach
EuroNPUD | Peer-led Harm Reduction
EHRA | Monitoring and Implementation of Quality Standards in Harm Reduction in CEECA
Opening Session | The Development of Drug policy and Harm Reduction
[Russian Language]
Synthetic Opioids in Europe
[Russian Language]
APDES & EuroNPUD | Peer Work & Research. An Ethical Partnership [Russian Language]
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the European Union